mandag 11. november 2019

Can my stutter be cured? BBC Crowd Science

In the end of September, a stuttering treatment course in the McGuire-program was arranged in Oslo. The journalist Gareth Barlow and producer Louisa Field from the BBC travelled to Oslo to make a pod cast about this and I was one of the lucky ones that was interviewed.

This was my third time being interviewed on radio, the first time in English on a world broadcasting service. The stress level did indeed reach the ceiling! However, before I met with Gareth and Louisa I was well prepared by the rest of the EST-team, by Ane Hestmann Melle in Statped and by Lise Paulsrud Mjørlund, a senior communication advisor at the University of Oslo. That was a huge help! Additionally, Louisa and Gareth was luckily very friendly, calm and helpful.

Now, one and a half month after, the pod cast is out and Louisa and Gareth has done a wonderful job! The have managed to make a podcast filled with information about stuttering and at the same time highlighting the individual experiences of people who stutter. If you want to gain insight into the impact of stuttering, learn about the McGuire program or stuttering in general I would really recommend you to listen to this podcast! Neuroscientist Soo-Eun Chang spoke brilliantly about the neurological basis of stuttering and Hilda Sønsterud offered her insightful thoughts on the McGuire program. I was also very impressed by everyone that offered their thoughts and experiences with stuttering.

Click here if you want to listen to the program

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